Identify All About Eye Disease, Its Causes And How To Prevent It!
Many different diseases threaten our eyes and our eyesight. Not only older people have problems with eyes. Even young people, so all ages can equally of eye diseases or low vision can be affected. Nevertheless, these sufferings - contrary to the common ophthalmological opinion - can be prevented by natural means, and often already existing eye problems can be cured with natural methods, or at least alleviated.
Treated with natural remedies are visually impaired
Healthy Eyes
The majority of all German adults (62 percent) now wears glasses or contact lenses. Sixty years ago there were "only" 40 percent. [Source] If it continues at this pace will be non-wearers in only a few decades represent an oddity. Glasses or other visual aids are a standard component of every infant and without glasses you will feel incomplete and inferior. No man will have to remember that an eye is nothing more than a crutch for sore eyes.
Our eyes are really getting worse?
While child wear glasses so because of their exceptional few decades ago were gloating cobra called spectacles are also at school now so widespread that no one thinks to the teasing. The proportion of wearers has now increased so much so, because the eyes of the people are really so much worse and sicker than was the case in the past? Or simply because the current diagnostic methods are often used first, and secondly, simply measure more accurately than the former? After all, today is already established then a visual impairment (which can lead to a pair of glasses) when the patient's alleged problem was not even aware of.
Both are correct. On the one hand, the industrially processed food contributes along with the modern way of life (computers, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, etc.) contributes to a reduction in eye health. On the other hand, people are urged to regular eye tests, or (as in the case of the driving test) committed, so that will take this opportunity to those visually impaired to light that the victim may be completely new.
It's not about your eyes, but the profits of the eyewear industry
Certainly not just indifferent to the rapid development of the wearer's figure also the business acumen of the eyeglass company, opticians and ophthalmologists. Actually, it's really only in passing about one or the other to improve their vision. The basic motivation of the spectacles industry is of course the profit maximization. This was especially beautiful in the last year (2010), as the Federal Cartel Office the so-called "working group pricing structures" revealed.
These were forbidden to price fixing by the five leading manufacturers of ophthalmic lenses (Carl Zeiss, Rodenstock, Essilor, Rupp & Hubrach optics and Hoya Lens) and the Central Association of Optometrists ZVA.
Since 2000, those caught had ensured that competition in the eyewear market was almost at a standstill. The eyeglass lens manufacturer drove huge profits and the optician were happy about rewarding bonuses and discounts - the party was financed by consumers who have had the spectacle frame absparen often enough from the mouth.
But basically it pays not to the eyes (or mood) to read such messages let it spoil. It is much better to deal with those information, which can promote the vision and enhance the natural way. Namely glasses can then be as expensive as they want. We simply do not need more or at least not every few years a new one.
Visual impairment in old age can be prevented
Eye problems are well known, like with age. However, this should not lead to the conclusion that age will inevitably lead to poor eyesight. A visual impairment in this case is rather the long-term consequence of living and eating habits of the person and all his (bad) habits. This may in turn means that a different lifestyle and prevent the change of habits, the so-called age-related vision problems or significantly lessen in severity.
Computer & more favor amblyopia
If eye problems occur in younger people, are at their emergence now of course the increased use of computers, laptops, Game Boys and cell phones as well as hours of television implicated. These are activities that can lead to a rapid loss of elasticity of the eye. By gazing at the same point in ever more the same distance, the focus in the eye muscle commutes one at this distance. The result is that objects that are further away than the usual screen or much closer to the eye are perceived as such, only blurred with time.But even that can be fixed again.
Train your eye muscles!
Who sits very much at the screen or sit may be, therefore, the habit of following exercise: Let's wander at regular intervals the eyes every now and again into the distance (eg the window), hold then immediately thereafter any object directly in front of the eyes to see it exactly, then look again into the distance again in the vicinity and so on. If you practice this consistently, you train your eye muscle elasticity, which can even help make an already diminished eyesight back.
Every third child has eye problems
But even small children, who certainly had very little computer contact, are not spared in the modern era of eye diseases. As in past years (2010), the Bavarian health insurance company were to be examined about 850 kindergarten children, we put in every third child suspected to be defective vision. Since a visual defect inhibits the healthy development of children, parents are now forced to at least two checkups by an eye doctor. The first was to be completed in the first year of life (especially if the family already occurred in eye diseases), the second just before starting school.
Screening is only useful for the patient in question - whether large or small - only useful if it is prescribed for an established visual impairment not only a spectacle, but also information and recommendations are communicated to the patient the necessary tools tosay to the people with whom he can make himself strong for his eyes. That does not happen normally. The patient is put off with a mere symptom reduction - because otherwise the glasses. Useful recommendations for your eye health can be found below.
Natural fluctuations in vision
In addition, account must be taken that the eye, like any other organ in our body, natural fluctuations. Is the person tired, stressed, tense or emotional conflicts involved (which may already be the case in children), it's not even the eyes as well. They suffer - like the rest of the body - an energy shortage. Recovering the person in question, then improved again and the vision.
The Spanish doctor Jordi Campos says:
"Bad seeing is not a permanent condition, it comes and goes like the flu."
He said that these natural fluctuations can account for up to two diopters in one day *, so that a diagnosis should be based on a single measurement result by no means regarded as a final diagnosis, but rather lead to a re-examination must be on a different day.
* Power: unit of measurement that indicates the effect of a magnifying lens in or out.
Are you a person or an accumulation of individual parts?
Conventional medicine takes a different view and the view also seems to be (at least it gives that impression), that the eye is completely isolated from the rest of the body. The eye is treated as a small, non-organic and equipment needing repair midst of an organic body. Its functionality is rarely considered in connection with the events in all the other organs and body parts, but separately.
Although we know of course that may arise in the retinue of some diseases and an eye problem, such as retinopathy * with diabetes. Nevertheless, it refuses to establish a connection between the emergence of many other eye diseases (eg cataracts, glaucoma (glaucoma), dry eye, conjunctivitis, macular degeneration, etc.) and see the overall condition of the body.
* Retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy can occur as a complication of diabetes. It is an injury to the blood vessels in the retina of the eye, since high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessel walls, which in the course of the disease leading to blindness.
So you think not, for example because the condition of the spine, neck or jaw muscles may have a particular influence on the eye. Also considered is not the condition of the connective tissue or the liver. Exactly so little care taken to ensure the supply of a vital substance eye patients to the immune system, the welfare of his intestinal flora, or even to his mental constitution. As so often, is the man seen in parts and not as the unity that he is in reality.
How good is your eye doctor?
So how often does your ophthalmologist or optometrist discussed with you in your diet and how often he has given you tips on how you could optimize it for the benefit of your eye health? How often has he motivates you to exercise one eye and you showed important eye exercises? How many times has he called you medicinal plants that could help you on your way to better eyesight? How many times did he give you those bioactive substances (as well as the foods that contain these plant compounds) are listed that have a particularly positive impact on the health of your eyes? How many times has he asked for her back?How often after your mental wellbeing? And how many times he has you "prescribed" relaxation exercises or meditation music?
No one is saying that a purely symptomatic treatment, the ophthalmologist would be inappropriate. But his silence is inappropriate with respect to the many measures that could take the patient to promote his own eye health.
Are you happy patient?
Many eye disorders are, however, fully satisfied with their patient's status and want to give up for anything in the world - of course they would never admit it, but it seems that way. But there are also people who would love to be active themselves, who are not happy when her glasses must be provided at regular intervals with stronger glasses and feel not particularly attracted to laser treatment or other surgical interventions. For exactly these people the following information is intended.
The three levels of the eye
According to Dr. Campos eyes have three levels, which need to be considered in the therapy to improve eyesight:
The physical eye (this is concerned exclusively with the medical school ophthalmology and only partly because they considered only the functionality, but not, for example, the nutritional status of the eye),
the mental eye
and that area in the brain where the image seen is evaluated based on stored memories and experiences with each person individually.
Why do not all see the same people
Point three, explains why people do not see all the same. That is, of course, they all look the same to, but that is what they see something different for everyone. A botanist sees a tree with very different eyes than does a car mechanic. While the automotive expert sees a tree that looks more or less just like all the trees, the botanists recognize at first glance, every detail in the bark, the crown molding in the leaf, the blossom or fruit. He can tell within seconds, to which species it is, whether the tree is native or whether it is an exotic specimen is, whether he is healthy or whether he was hit by pests.
Another man, who may have fallen in early childhood from a tree and hurt himself badly considered, trees with a certain suspicion and do not want to get too close to the greenhouse. A lumberjack is estimated at the sight of a tree from its timber immediately yield in cubic meters. And if a tree falls in the vicinity of an environmentalist perspective, drawing on worries about the dying forests, it may well be that the nature-loving burst into tears - of joy and emotion, that there still is a tree.
Our eyes are the mirror of our soul
Campos therefore referred to the vision as "mental and emotional activity" and not as a purely mechanical process - as does the medical school. Therefore, the eyes respond to each of our feelings. They react to stress, on worries of fatigue, to sadness, to anger and to any other nervous tension. Not for nothing, it means that our eyes are the mirror of our soul. This is also the reason why is not uncommon claims that dwindling eyesight would therefore not something that a person in his life wanted to see. So here it is called - in the truest sense of the word - look carefully and take his own life under the microscope.
Our diet determines the health of our eyes
But the eyes are connected not only with our soul, but with the whole body. They are in constant dialogue with him. The eyes are - like all other organs - powered by the blood with nutrients from our diet and can therefore be just as healthy as it allows them this food.
Circulatory disorders are the major causes of eye diseases
In addition to important nutrients and vital substances but also reach slag (waste products of metabolism) occurring in daily metabolism, blood circulation and in the connective tissue. They are usually excreted from the body. In today's conventional unhealthy diet and lifestyle, however caused as many such slags, that the excretory organs (intestine, liver, kidneys) are overwhelmed by their rejection. Consequently, these waste products circulate throughout the body and eventually also reach into the eye. They are deposited there from the lens, the retina, in the muscles or clog the tiny blood vessels that will nourish the eye. In this way, there is the oft-quoted by ophthalmologists circulatory problems, which are the major causes of common eye diseases.
(Also called cataract) when cataracts are cloudy and the lens, leading to impaired vision.In advanced cases, only a light-dark vision possible. The lens opacity of cataract appears, if the above-mentioned slag deposited in the lens. This is usually a long process, the outcome (the disease) is referred to exclusively as old age, but in reality nothing else than the result of decades of unfavorable säureüberschüssigen and nutrient-poor diet and a modern sedentary lifestyle.
Cataracts as a side effect of medication
Apart from this, the cataract as a relatively spontaneous side effect of some medications, such as high-dose cortisone therapy in appearance occur. Another cause a chronic calcium deficiency for the development of this eye disease may be responsible. It can also be observed in diabetic patients at higher risk for cataracts, so that can obviously lead including an increased glucose concentration in the vitreous humor to serious eye problems.
Medical school routine cataract lens replacement with no
Medical school is in cataract summarily reversed the damaged lens with an artificial lens.Who to consult an eye specialist can get here, often particularly those lenses to heart, requiring a hefty payment. Most of the cost estimate includes both the same lenses. And if you notice carefully, but that only one of your eyes is affected, then you will be told with remarkable directness that usually the first in the second eye disease follow, so you could already count with two affected eyes.
It conceals so preventive measures, also represents the proposed treatment is the only solution, maneuvered so that the patient in a dependent relationship and to top it shocked him even with the same negative and costly predictions.
Glaucoma - Glaucoma
In glaucoma, the glaucoma, the optic nerve is destroyed. The cause will be at an increased intraocular pressure, which leads to circulatory disorders. This in turn damage the nerve and retinal cells and can lead to their death. Rainbow color vision, headaches and tension pain above the eyes are the typical symptoms of chronic glaucoma.
However, there are a large number of people with glaucoma and a completely normal intraocular pressure, which is why we went in search of other causal factors. On the one hand, we now suspected circulatory problems (without a simultaneous increase in intraocular pressure) as a possible cause, on the other hand, believed the problem to a faulty composition of the eye fluid-founded. This - it is said - inflammatory substances contained in glaucoma. But there is no way for these causes to the real causes. For we must of course continue to ask: What is the cause of elevated intraocular pressure? And the origin of the inflammatory substances?
The causes of glaucoma
The same factors that have been described for cataracts can also glaucoma in a poorer blood supply to the optic nerve and eventually lead to its (gradual) death.
The intraocular pressure on the other hand could rise by a very similar situation, namely when the outflow of aqueous humor from congested roads are slags.
It remains to clarify how it can lead to the inflammatory properties of the eye fluid. Foreign bodies in the blood or interstitial fluid lead to immune reactions and these trigger inflammation. As a "foreign body" can once again come the already mentioned several times, metabolic waste products in question. However, inflammation may be the result of many other factors, such as the can of magnesium deficiency or stress, so that a low-magnesium diet or an exciting life full of hurry, worry and distress also lead to long-term glaucoma or accelerate its progression. Furthermore, glaucoma is also a cortisone therapy as the cause in question.
Macular Degeneration
The term macula refers to the location in the center of the retina. In the center of the macula in turn, is known as the yellow spot and thus the place of sharpest vision in the human eye.About 6 percent of the population are currently affected by macular degeneration. These are dramatic 4.5 million people. Thus, this disease among those over 50 years of the most common visual disturbance. In macular degeneration, retinal cells die off, which is partly manifested in strange visual disturbances. One looks for example to an opposing man, whose face does not. Or is it missing when reading suddenly Bu letters in a word.
Cause of Macular Degeneration
Again, the accumulation of metabolic waste products (in this case under the retina) problems. The "garbage" prevents a proper supply of the retina, so that their capabilities and vision decline. At the same time, it was found that people with macular degeneration provides the poor with vital substances described below lutein and zeaxanthin. Also to energy saving light bulbs or the light has a negative effect on the eyes and are among the risk factors in the development of macular degeneration.
Groups at risk for macular degeneration
Again, diabetics seem to be particularly susceptible to this kind of eye disease. In addition, everyone is at risk, which is usually a lifestyle, which in general favors a reduction of metabolism. These include smoking (smokers have a sixfold increased risk of developing macular degeneration), high blood pressure (and, more generally, cardiovascular diseases) and a deficiency of vital substances and antioxidants.
Conventional treatments for macular degeneration
Conventional medicine has already tried out a number of treatments for macular degeneration, but they could all lead to a satisfactory result. Cortisone, which was used to combat macular degeneration seemed, by the way glaucoma or cataracts trigger, so that one of them ran off again. Also, retinal surgery and laser therapy in the past led to no great success, so that these methods are meanwhile hardly or only in special cases to use.
In a rare form of macular degeneration (the so-called wet macular degeneration) is an uncontrolled new blood vessels form in places where they do nothing at all. Here you turn to like certain medications that this blood vessel growth to provide a stop. These are drugs that really only for serious cases of cancer (eg colon - and end-stage lung cancer) are approved and are in the eye so prescribed off-label (ie, without official approval). An improvement in vision is not reached, and we explained to the patient, he would be happy if the disease is not progressing.
Synthetic vitamins for macular degeneration?
Then, amazingly, by the way it is still of the opinion that the tissue degradation could also be due to an insufficient supply of nutrients and vital substances together, so many eyes specialist occasionally administered vitamin and mineral doses. Since this is often true to the motto "more is better" is happening already exist, doubts whether the high doses could cause this single synthetic materials are not too negative side effects.
Vital-rich diet prevents macular degeneration
These considerations can safely be left out if you avoid synthetic and isolated vitamins and instead practiced a natural, living and basic diet that is supplemented with appropriate holistic and high-quality nutritional supplements.
It was found a study from the year 2009 (published in the journal Ophtamology) that a varied diet, especially a low glycemic value of having (that is, poor carbohydrate in concentrated foods), very helpful thing was age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and to prevent other diseases vision consuming eyes. With this type of diet has been particularly paid attention to foods that were rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin and valuable omega-3 fatty acids. Details of these vital substances can be found below under "Basic nutrition for the eyes" and "10 nutrition tips for healthy eyes."
Dry eye
What sounds pretty harmless, has since blossomed into a kind of chronic disease, people who already 10 percent of Germans accompanied durable and extremely uncomfortable.The eye here is suffering from a lack of tears. This usually keeps the eye moist and protects it. If there is no tears in the eyes redden and lend a disturbing drought or sometimes foreign body sensation (as dust from being placed anywhere in the eye).
Conventional methods of treatment of dry eye
The medicine prescribed eye drops for dry or blocked tear ducts which simply implanted with a "plug", so that the liquid present "run" can not return. This tear duct implants are available in different variations. Some hold for three months, others a year. Heterogeneity is reflected in the prices.
When the liver weakens the eye
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is considered, however, the organism as a whole.Upon publication of a dry eye should therefore particularly - apart from an effective stress management - including the liver increased attention. It is in fact the organ with the greatest influence on the eye and makes others for adequate nutrition and moisturization of the same. However, the liver is struck, the supply of the eye can not be completely guaranteed.Furthermore, one could flagging "kidney energy" or insufficient "small intestine energy" to several chronic eye diseases (most of the above mentioned plus chronic conjunctivitis) lead.
Thus, TCM draws attention to the crucial relationship between overloading of the excretory organs (liver, kidney, intestine) and the common eye diseases. A cure of eye diseases - whether it's dealing with dry eyes or another - is therefore only possible if the called excretory organs are relieved on the one hand and on the other hand, supported in their ability to function. This is achieved using a deacidification, a gut renovation, drinking plenty of water and special herbs for the individual organs such as bitter-containing plants for the liver or liver-strengthening herbs (such as dandelion, milk thistle, yarrow, chicory) and durchspülende medicinal herbs for the kidneys (eg, birch leaf, Ackerschachtelhalmtee, stinging nettle, Goldrutentee etc.)
Are you uptight?
Dry eyes can also result from tension in the muscles and connective tissue around the eyes. Such tensions affect the function of the lacrimal gland, so that they can not produce the usual amount of eye fluid or make. It is therefore extremely important to include plenty of relaxing moments in everyday life.
Dry eye or histamine intolerance?
Moreover, one can also express histamine intolerance symptoms that resemble those of dry eye. Here, however, neither the usual drop yet "plug" remedy. The trigger in this case is the inability of the body to break down histamine.
Histamine is found in some foods or produced in the body in the metabolism of some foods. Normally occurring histamines by the body itself degraded by a specific enzyme.This enzyme is formed in the intestine. And here the circle closes again. When the intestine or the intestinal flora that is weakened by an unhealthy predominantly acid-forming and highly processed nutrient-poor diet, by drugs or by other triggers or damaged, then the corresponding enzyme only produced low and the organism responds to the now in excess, this histamine with a variety of symptoms, such as Palpitations, nausea, breathing problems, or just too itchy, burning eyes, to a deterioration in vision.
The diagnosis of "dry eye" should not be made without taking into account a possible histamine intolerance - especially when next to a dry eye there are also other obvious symptoms. Note here that not every doctor histamine intolerance (or other food intolerances) incorporates into his diagnosis.
The root causes of common eye diseases
The real causes of the most common eye diseases are - once again merged - the following:
Slag, the store is either directly in the eye (eg lens) or interfere with the circulation of the eye or block the drainage pathways of aqueous humor. The cause of slag is again a
Chronic acidification of the total organism due to a säureüberschüssigen including diet and lifestyle, leading to a
Vital fuel shortages and a lack of basic minerals leads.
The slag and acids can not be eliminated due to an overload of the following rejection or Entgiftungs-Systeme/Organe:
Weak immune system
Weak liver
Weak kidneys
Overloaded digestive system
Other factors that may promote the formation of very serious eye diseases are:
Calcium and magnesium deficiency
Antioxidant deficiency
Medications such as cortisone
Diabetes or high glucose concentration in the vitreous
Lack of exercise
Strain of the neck, back and / or facial and jaw muscles
Stress, mental tension, worries, fears, etc.
The holistic therapy of eye diseases
A holistic therapy for eye disease does not focus exclusively on the eyes, but for the eyes creates an environment in which it is to them at all possible, to become healthy again. The measures required a holistic treatment for eye diseases therefore consist of the following ten steps:
The ten steps for healthy eyes
Deacidification (including an adequate supply of minerals and basic) for Schlackenausleitung, further information can be found below or here: acidification affects the well-being
Basenüberschüssige nutrition (including such foods that have a positive impact particularly eye health and protect the eye from negative outside influences can simultaneously), further information can be found below or here: Why basic diet?
Water (Drink at least 2.5 to 3 liters of carbonated spring water, to promote the slag and Säureausleitung and around the eye with an adequate supply liquid).
Strengthening the immune system and support the restoration of the intestinal flora by Schlackenausleitung with a high quality probiotic, such as Combi Flora, Darmfit etc. If you choose a gut renovation (item 5), then this also includes a refurbishment of the intestinal flora.
Strengthening of the excretory organs (liver, kidney, intestine) and Schlackenausleitung using special herbs (such as bitter to the liver) and an effective intestinal rehabilitation program. Further information can be found here: Why bitters are good colon cleansing is actually quite normal
Special dietary supplements and remedies for the eyes (such as Astaxanthin, Krill oil, OPC, etc.) - more information, see below)
Train your eyes (for more information, see below)
Sufficient healthy exercise in the fresh air
Stress reduction and relaxation (think also of your neck muscles)
You can check the condition of your spine and provide for their relief through proper stress through relaxation exercises and careful muscle building.
Go slowly and step by step! Start with the points 1 to 3 in conjunction with the points 7 (eye training), 8 (movement), 9 (stress reduction and relaxation) and 10 (Spine Health). And then do exactly the way-being, mood more points into your personal Eye-treatment program.
In the following steps 1, 2, 6 and 7 are explained in more detail:
First Detoxify and de-acidify - for the sake of your eyes!
Before you highly motivated so with one eye training start and before you swallow blindly dietary supplements, only to be disappointed by the only moderate success of these measures, you should in your body once the preconditions for a lasting strengthening of sight and thus create for a cure. That means blocking out everything that must be stored slag, while the organism is protected from any further slag must. Only then can flow the blood flow again, only then are the outflow channels free again, until the optic nerve again draws power, and only then can the eye muscles to move again undisturbed and well fed.
Where do the waste products?
Slag arising partly as a result of a säureüberschüssigen diet and lifestyle. In the metabolism of industrially processed foods on the basis of isolated carbohydrates (bakery products and pasta, and sugar), low-fat and a protein surplus in the form of animal proteins (milk and meat products) are formed in the body the various degradation products, especially acids. Usually these as quickly as possible (excretion in the urine, the stool or on the menstrual period).
With today's increased acid volume and a normal life with a chronic lack of exercise, stress, medicines and water shortages with the organs of elimination are overloaded. You can use the resulting "waste" never completely discard. In the body, but the acids can not stay because of their corrosive properties also. They would lead to serious damage in the organism. Therefore, they are first neutralized. This is done by using alkaline minerals (eg calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.). Neutralized acids are salts which are also called "slag". These salts can now - if it must be long term - are stored in the body, eg in the joints, intervertebral discs, in the connective tissue or just a pinch, in the eye.
Mineral deficiency
A corollary of this momentous chronic acidosis is a lack of basic minerals, since these are always for the neutralization of the excess in the body are consumed copious amounts of acids. For this purpose, mineral substances are used, which arrive with the food in the body. But if the diet does not contain enough minerals, the minerals are stolen the body's mineral deposits, eg the bone, the scalp, the connective tissue, etc. In the long term chronic acidosis may therefore lead to osteoporosis, hair loss, cellulite and other problems. Magnesium deficiency may also contribute to the development of diabetes, calcium deficiencies promote the development of cataracts. Very first signs of a calcium or magnesium deficiency include tingling in the extremities or nervous eye twitch.
An effective Entsäuerungsprogramm schlackenausleitende includes not only measures but also a holistic mineral supplement, to address an existing deficiency in alkaline minerals.
Second Basic nutrition for the eyes
Since the conventional diet extremely poor in just those vital substances that can take care of the eye (eg, carotenoids) and mentioned the same time as just a slag flow in the body makes, is a natural basenüberschüssige nutrition to the eye relief and relief in one. Such nutrient-rich and basenliefernde diet based on fresh vegetables, salads, herbs, nuts, seeds and fruits and is also low in industrially processed foods (especially baked goods and pasta, confectionery, finished products) and animal proteins.
The basic diet relieves the body because they have no further slag into the organism contributes (or not more than the body can excrete again), and since she also provides organic minerals in top quality. It will also complement specifically with those foods and enriched substances (vitamins and phytochemicals - see next chapter), which nourish the one hand, explicitly the eye and on the other hand, provide in the form of antioxidants for complete protection of the sensitive retina.
Basic recipes can be found here.
The best vitamins for healthy eyes and vision strong
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is still regarded as the ultimate eye-Vitamin:
Vitamin A is essential for smooth functioning of the retina.
Vitamin A is used directly in the production of rhodopsin, a protein in the retina that is responsible for the light-dark adaptation necessary, and especially for seeing in the dawn of importance.
Vitamin A supports the formation of sufficient liquid eyes.
Vitamin A prevents (in the context of many other factors) the formation of cataracts.
Vitamin A can prevent blindness from macular degeneration.
Vitamin A or beta-carotene (the precursor of vitamin A) is particularly rich in sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach, cantaloupe, dried apricots and green leafy vegetables (kale, nettle, dandelion, etc.) to find.
Vitamin B:
The vitamins of the B complex are absolutely essential for the healthy functioning of nerves and so does the optic nerve. Especially people with glaucoma should picky ensure adequate vitamin B intake.
B vitamins are especially in large quantities in nuts and oilseeds (eg sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.), but also in legumes, vegetables and some fruits.To meet the requirement of vitamin B12 may unheated fermented vegetables (sauerkraut), sea vegetables, vitamin B complex supplements or occasional organic egg are consumed. Who wants to eat meat or fish for that purpose, this should only apply from extensive free-range or organic, or from wild-caught fish-breeding farms and limit the meat / fish consumption to two servings per week.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C strengthens the fine blood vessels in the eye.
Vitamin C fights free radicals and protects together with vitamin E and glutathione, the most sensitive parts of the eye: the retina and lens.
Vitamin C also prevents the formation of cataracts due to ultraviolet radiation or oxidative stress.
Vitamin C is found in almost all fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruit, sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, red peppers and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is a wonderful antioxidant active substance. It inactivates free radicals, where they always occur in appearance and works closely with vitamin C, since both can mutually restore normal operation.
Vitamin E protects nerve cells, the cells of blood vessels and prevents blood clots.
Vitamin E protects the DNA in our cells
Vitamin D helps build effective protection against cataracts and macular degeneration.For example, one clinical study showed that vitamin E reduce the risk of cancer, eye cataracts, can reduce by half.
Another study showed that a combination could protect the vitamins C and E, the eyes from UV radiation.
Vitamin E is especially almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, as well as in high-quality organic plant oils like wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, olive oil and sesame oil. For roasting, you can use red palm oil or organic coconut oil. The former provides the same extremely high amount of vitamin A. Eye
The best minerals for healthy eyes and vision strong
Calcium deficiency can - as already mentioned - to be a causative factor for cataracts and also occur as a result of chronic acidosis. In addition to calcium is involved in so many processes in the body that nobody can afford a deficiency of this important mineral.Calcium is particularly rich in nuts and seeds and also in some green leafy vegetables (in large amounts in vegetables such as wild nettles) contain, but just as in dried fruits, amaranth products, olives and legumes.
Magnesium of the anti-stress mineral par excellence. It is - in addition to numerous reactions in the body - especially the contraction and relaxation of muscles involved and thus also of the eye muscles. Magnesium also directly takes part in the energy production in the cell. Magnesium is also an excellent mineral for a strained and tired eyes. In addition, magnesium may in certain forms of glaucoma (primary open-angle glaucoma, chronic) result in the improvement of optic nerve blood flow, which then brings an improvement in symptoms. Extraordinarily magnesium rich foods include: amaranth, quinoa, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds. At the same time, food should be avoided, which are themselves magnesiumarm (granulated sugar and sweetened products that, dough and baked goods), as they are in many cases, usually acid-forming and thus may contribute to additional Magnesiumverschleiss.
Selenium is a trace element that enhances the body's immune system and may protect the organism against infections. Since it was established in studies in patients with cataract only small amounts of selenium, it is believed that a low selenium levels may favor the disease. Selenium is especially abundant in Brazil nuts contain.
Zinc is necessary for the conversion of beta-carotene into vitamin A. Our eyes contain the highest concentration of zinc in our body. The reason is that zinc is responsible for the activation of enzymes in the retina and to help in the prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration. Consequently, the adequate supply of this trace element for eye health is of great importance.
Nuts and seeds are excellent zinc suppliers. Also, legumes, buckwheat, millet, avocados, herbs, wild greens and green vegetables also provide many useful culture quantities of zinc.
10 nutrition tips for healthy eyes:
Eat a salad every day from freshly grated raw organic carrots or drink 0.5 liters per day (two glasses) of fresh carrot juice - a glass in the morning and one in the evening. The carotenoids and other phytochemicals protect the eyes of the root vegetables in every respect, but is now also believed that carrots can even help especially in the treatment of cataracts. Was recorded according to Dr. Norman Walker, the interesting therapeutic successes with the enjoyment of a lively food in connection with fresh-squeezed juices, raw vegetables are suitable for eye health (apart from pure carrot juice) particularly the following two formulas:
Carrot-celery-parsley juice of endive:
250 g carrots
150 g of celery
50 g of endive
50 g parsley
Carrot and spinach juice:
300 g carrots
200 g spinach
Every day should be consumed at least 0.5 to a maximum of 2 liters of this juice. An effect is a slow and - depending on the condition of the eyes - it may take up to one year, can be observed to concrete improvements.
Eat green leafy vegetables daily e.g. Spinach, kale, cabbage, lettuce, herbs and wild vegetables. This as well as red peppers and squashes (such as the particularly delicious Hokkaido pumpkin) are extremely rich in both carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin.You will not only provide for the vegetables, but also in the human body, particularly in the retina of the eye and the yellow spot. The yellow spot is the point in the central retina (the middle of the macula), where the highest visual acuity is achieved. Both carotenoids are working in the eye e.g. as anti-oxidants and neutralize free radicals that are generated by the incoming light. Lutein and zeaxanthin can not be synthesized by the body, so they must be eaten in the form of fruits and vegetables. The more lutein and zeaxanthin are present in the diet, the better the eyes seem to be protected against age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. Also, the visual acuity depends on the supply from these two carotenoids. The more lutein and zeaxanthin consumed, the better it looks.
Juices from green grasses (eg wheat grass juice, Kamutgras juice, etc.) and green smoothies help the daily required amount of green vegetables, and thus absorb the necessary amount of antioxidants as well as special eye nutrients. Further information can be found here: Green Smoothies - the perfect meal
Use for your salads hemp and linseed oil, to provide themselves with omega-3 fatty acids.These counteract the particularly dry eye and macular degeneration, and generally help to improve eyesight.
Sprinkle on your salad or your vegetable sunflower seeds, sesame seeds or nuts (eg brazil nuts), in order to increase your vitamin B, vitamin E and magnesium levels.
For the same purpose, you could schedule future almonds as a daily snack. Enjoy almonds in the form of almond milk, almond-chocolate or almond drink "liquor". The recipes can be found here: almond liqueur, milk-free enjoyment
To elucidate the crystalline lens of the eye, you could - if you have to meet any special societal obligations - eat daily for two or three cloves of garlic. Note that the effect of garlic vanishes when he cooked, steamed, fried or otherwise heated.
Organic eggs contain much sulfur, cysteine, lecithin and lutein. In addition, garlic, onions, shallots and capers are very rich in sulfur. If you believe, take not enough sulfur to, then you can supplement your diet with organic sulfur MSM product (see below under "Interesting food supplement for healthy eyes").
Dark berries like blueberries, blackberries and dark cherries are rich in certain vegetable dyes: the anthocyanins. You can improve night vision, among other things. The bilberry contains large amounts of rhodopsin (see above under "vitamin A"), which increases the twilight vision. British air force pilots are supposed to have during World War II ate bilberry jam strengthened to improve their night vision. Anthocyanins can be taken from grape seed extract in the form (see next chapter or the strength of the grape seeds)
Sea vegetables (such as sea spaghetti, seafood salad, etc.) is so rich in those vitamins, trace elements and bioactive substances, which are in the traditional diet rather sparse, so that the increased consumption of high-quality sea vegetable products, but also in a betterEye health is expressed (eg in the form of pesto, antipasto of pickled in oil or in the form of dried sea vegetables, which are then soaked and vegetable dishes just needs a deliciously spicy flavor adds).
6th Interesting food supplement for healthy eyes
Inflammatory processes are considered (co-) trigger for glaucoma (glaucoma).Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, which is produced by certain algae - marine algae eat there - even in some fish and seafood is included. The red substance is currently the strongest known antioxidant in the world, which means that it can reduce oxidative stress in the body better than any other vital substances. At the same astaxanthin is able to inhibit the inflammatory mediators in the body, so that it can be used in all diseases that are associated with chronic inflammatory processes. This includes glaucoma and arthritic complaints or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Opinions, however, already showed that astaxanthin helpful not only in inflammatory eye problems intervene, but also can help with nearsightedness, for example, within a few weeks to a clearer view into the distance.
To get the eye health, sufficient (in conjunction with a basenüberschüssigen, nutrient-rich diet) 4 mg astaxanthin. For existing eye problems, the dose can be increased up to 12 milligrams per day, especially if there is an inflammatory eye disease. For more information about astaxanthin and its effects can be found here.
Studies have shown that reducing the daily intake of 300mg grapeseed extract the effects of permanent eye strain through hours of computer work in just 60 days it seemed. Grape seed extract is also recommended to combat macular degeneration and cataracts and also to improve the vision at night. For more information about OPC click here.
Mount Shasta eyes pleasure
One of the above-mentioned root causes of poor or sick eyes is the lack of antioxidants.Antioxidants are now in the usual diet rather few and far between, so that the eyes due to the same time becoming increasingly susceptible to free radicals have more than adequate protection. For this reason, it is already included in some preparations on the market, the individual antioxidants in high doses, such as Lutein and beta-carotene.Especially the latter, however, came in a study into disrepute in which it would have to protect smokers against lung cancer. Ultimately had found out that those smokers who are high doses of synthetic beta-carotene was administered to a higher cancer risk than did those not taking beta-carotene.
Consequently, antioxidant substances can only be taken so as well - even approximately - are found in nature, namely the natural compound and in the natural concentration, such as the in Mount Shasta eyes delight the case. Eyes of joy contains the entire spectrum that plants antioxidant substances that are required for a complete protection of the eye: carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanins, chlorophyll, Phytocyanin and many others.While these substances are not joined together by one. Instead, treat for the eyes is composed of those fruits, seaweed and herbs that contain the above-mentioned antioxidants in their natural form and in natural concentration, such as blueberries and elderberries, AFA algae, chlorella and spirulina algae, as well as marigolds and opc-rich grape seed flour.
L-glutathione has been brought in several studies with a clear preventive effect on cataract, glaucoma, retinal diseases and diabetic blindness in combination. * In addition to the tripeptide glutathione, selenium is the main component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, one of the most important protective mechanisms against free radicals. Also, it was found that the glutathione levels in patients with cataracts and macular degeneration is often significantly reduced.
* Tripeptide: a protein composed of three amino acids
Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme which - together with the glutathione peroxidase (see above) - the core part of the body's own defense and detoxification system. SOD is an extremely potent antioxidant and can also protect the eyes from harmful outside influences. SOD can be found eg in barley grass.
MSM is an organic sulfur compound that can provide the human body with valuable native sulfur. Sulfur protects the lens against the development of cataracts. Sulfur is also necessary for the production of glutathione.
A sufficient supply of magnesium is - as already explained above - is essential not only for the eyes. Magnesium deficiency can be remedied very easily and quickly with the help of a transdermal magnesium therapy (eg with Magol). This transdermal Magnesium chloride is sprayed on the skin and massaged. It increases the magnesium levels more rapidly than drugs taken orally, because it can save the detour via the gastro-intestinal tract. Coral Sea Magnesium can also be taken in the form of Sango - a natural and easily usable calcium-magnesium complex, which is described below.
Sango Coral Sea
Calcium is probably one of the best known mineral substances and many people are already having an adequate supply of calcium thoughts. Unfortunately forget also that calcium alone represent a long no special help, since the human body can only utilize calcium in combination with other minerals and trace elements optimally.
Pure calcium supplements are therefore not very useful and should be carefully selected with either mineral-rich food or a holistic mineral supplement, such as the Sango Coral Sea to be replaced. The Sango Coral Sea has the best one to exploitation necessary for proper calcium-magnesium ratio of 2:1.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is not in every body part equally active. In the eye, but it seems to occur at a particularly high density, indicating that there is also used very often. If you are afraid to take the purpose of vitamin C supply is not enough fresh fruits and vegetables and thus speculating, your vitamin C requirement to cover with the help of dietary supplements, then you look for a holistic product that is not of synthetic ascorbic acid exists, but from, for example, especially powdered vitamin-C rich fruits (eg, the acerola cherry). Only here, in addition to vitamin C include those normal ingredients, which requires vitamin C for optimal activity.
Other tips to support the vision
Sole Eyewash
Twice a day you should bathe your eyes in a one-percent brine solution. Dilute to a saturated, 26 percent brine solution with water (to take 4 milliliters of 26 percent brine and place in 100 milliliters of lukewarm chlorine-free water), fill it an eye-bath (from the chemist), bend your head forward, hold the tub firmly pressed to your eye and then put his head back in the neck.
Now open the eye and let it circulate, close and open your eyes a few times and then exit the bathroom after about five minutes. Put yourself ready before the eye bath towel or a small kitchen towels, bath because the eye is not one hundred percent proof and brine can flow always something out.
Ayurvedic herbs
The Indian coleus (Plectranthus barbatus), which rue (Ruta graveolens) and triphala (an ayurvedic powder mixture of three different Indian crops) in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine used to lower intraocular pressure. This is possible because the herbs relax the parasympathetic nervous system.
The parasympathetic nervous system is that part of our nervous system, responsible for rest, relaxation, regeneration and recovery. While triphala is taken, is prepared from the rue tea or eyewash and the coleus to trickle into the form of extracts (diluted) in the eye.
7th Train your eyes
The eye is not a rigid, inanimate object. It is an organ from a living tissue, blood vessels and nerves from muscle. We now know very well that muscles that will never wither or claimed on one side only, or can be shortened. The latter leads to permanent tension.Tension in turn brings a lot of new complaints.
If we now use, for example, the biceps muscle on the upper arm is not as common as a weightlifter, then the long term is not so very tragic, because our survival no longer - depends on our physical strength - just like in the Stone Age about. Our sight but we still need just as urgently as ever. So if we train our eye muscles do not strain or unilaterally, by constantly staring at the screen, then an eye problem is inevitable. It is therefore extremely important to use the existing eye muscles regularly to train and versatile.
With the assistance of specific eye exercises can not only short-sightedness will be improved. There were already people who are defeated in this way their glaucoma. An eye-exercise can also improve stability and overall health of the eye and thus prevent eye problems. On this topic there are already many books that discuss in detail on many different exercises, so we want to present only a small selection below. The training should be carried out without glasses and without contact lenses.
If you are nearsighted, so are not able to read letters or objects in the distance, then do the following: stapling a text to a wall and make out in front so that you can still read the text well. Then you take each day one step back and practice in this way very slowly, reading from a greater distance. Vice versa you can do the same. If you have problems reading texts closely, then you make every day a step or a half in the direction of your text.
To change the focal length of lenses and to improve the intrinsic muscles of the eyeball, look at a near object and then to a remote. For example, you can watch in your hand about 15 inches away, and then look at an object on the horizon. Repeat this exercise 15 times, without thereby relax the eyes.
Blink your eyelids for 30 seconds hard and fast.
Then look to the left up and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Now look down to the left and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Look to your right up and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Look to your right down and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Look directly to the right and hold that position for 15 seconds.
Look directly at your nose and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Look down on your outstretched tongue and hold this position for 15 seconds.
Look up to the top center area between your two eyebrows. Also keep this position for 15 seconds. Relax and your eyes.
Be patient!
Do not forget that many eye problems are often the result of a lasting adverse diet and lifestyle for decades and therefore not of today can disappear tomorrow. Allow your body time to clean and regenerate itself. Do you support him in this with these measures, but also with a great deal of patience, perseverance and confidence. By the look is coming - sooner or later, J
Home » eye disease » Identify All About Eye Disease, Its Causes And How To Prevent It!
Identify All About Eye Disease, Its Causes And How To Prevent It!
Posted by Wawan on Saturday, December 10, 2011
eye disease
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