The Truth About Bentonite

Posted by Wawan on Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Truth About Bentonite

Bentonite is a world of extraordinary healing power. Their greatest merit is the absorption of toxins from the digestive system and the harmonization of the intestinal environment, which in turn promotes the development of a healthy intestinal flora and thus greatly activates the self-healing organism. Again and again we hear from certain prejudices against bentonite. We clear on how it really is.
Bentonite powderBentonite belongs in every medicine cabinetA natural remedy can be as effective as it wants. Once it has reached a certain degree of knowledge, dive - as reliable as a Swiss watch - to those voices that otherwise seem to have in mind, as to defame the relevant natural remedies. This is in ancient medicinal plants not unlike certain foods that have proven medicinal properties. Bentonite ultimately fell into the line of fire of prejudice that have neither hand nor foot. We refute the popular prejudice against bentonite and show why bentonite is a healing earth that belongs in every medicine cabinet.
First Prejudice: Stealing bentonite vitamins and minerals?The first prejudice against bentonite is usually that when an inner resource - also adsorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from foods and dietary supplements, so this would excreted unused by the intestines and thus the body - because it was so so strong adsorbing force were lost.
Wrong, because bentonite distinguishes between good and evilThe molecules in the bentonite are very strongly negatively charged and therefore attract only those substances that have a positive ionic charge. Conveniently, those substances in the intestine have a positive ionic charge, even for us the unhealthy substances. These are for example heavy metals, harmful bacteria, radioactive particles or acids.
At the same bentonite cleanse the bowel by KOTR, removes excess mucus and debris, which may in turn affect really the absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from foods. Bentonite adsorbs so only the hazardous substances and provides for us in parallel to those factors out of the way, hinder the absorption of vital substances. Depending on the individual constitution of man can be so - just by the regular intake of bentonite - the well-being and performance in only 1 to 3 days can be increased enormously.
Second Prejudice: Destroy bentonite healthy intestinal flora?The second bias concerns the same mechanism of action of the bentonite. It is claimed that bentonite destroy the natural flora, not only by absorbing toxins, but also useful for the human intestinal bacteria from the intestine and transporting them out.
Wrong, because bentonite supports the development of a healthy intestinal floraBentonite adsorbs positively charged substances. Harmful bacteria are positively charged. Beneficial bacteria is not. They are negatively charged and are therefore of bentonite taken up or excreted with him.
Bentonite is also more recently as an aid in livestock gaining popularity. It was found that the digestion of livestock runs much better when you get to the food bentonite. The improved health of animals and, ultimately, of course, their profitability. Bentonite, so farmers already know, not only relieves the intestinal flora in that it removes harmful bacteria and toxins. Bentonite, due to its porous surface also the beneficial bacteria living space, thus creating a healthy intestinal environment and thus promotes a variety of ways to build a powerful and balanced intestinal flora.
Third Prejudice: Can the aluminum in bentonite be dangerous?Aluminium is not just as a healthy substance. The metal was found in unusually large quantities in the brains of deceased Alzheimer's patients and has been in discussion to be involved in the development of some forms of dementia. Consequently, health-conscious people avoid aluminum-containing products, wherever possible. Bentonite is an aluminum-containing compound. The bentonite critics then brought into circulation, bentonite would burden the body with aluminum.
Wrong, since bentonite contains only "safe" aluminumThe aluminum metal is a structural component of all the earth. The aluminum in bentonite (aluminum silicate hydro) for the body but has only positive effects.
First, the aluminum in bentonite present in an oxidized form of harmless and can not be absorbed by the body.
Second, there is a silicon excess in bentonite. Silicon can protect the brain against aluminum inclusions. If the hike in the bentonite contained aluminum or part thereof that is contrary to expectations in the body wanted this excess silicon, the aluminum at a deposition would prevent, for example in the brain. Yes, it had apparently already been shown in animal experiments, that even an existing aluminum loading the brain with a silicon-rich diet could be reversed (1).
In addition, formed from the aluminum hydro silicate in the gut, an aluminum-magnesium silicate, which may very well bind acids, so that bentonite may be in addition to all previously mentioned advantages, ideally used for deacidification.4th MYTH: If a bentonite supplement to a supply of minerals?
Bentonite contains many minerals and trace elements, so that some people think it was suitable also for the supply of these same minerals and trace elements. Bentonite can also supplement a mineral-poor diet?
No, because bentonite has other tasksAlthough actually be present in small amounts of bentonite minerals absorbed into the body meet, but this is insufficient to cover the mineral needs of the people. Bentonite is a mineral-rich and rich soil trace elements, namely a mineral earth. But their application is in the detoxification of the body in the cleansing of the bowel and in building a healthy intestinal flora, but not in the mineralization of the organism. So if you have previously taken a dietary supplement to meet your needs minerals (such as the Sango Coral Sea) then please take this parallel further Bentoniteinnahme themselves.

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