Leg Cramp Treatments.

Posted by Wawan on Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leg Cramp Treatments.
know all about Leg Cramp !

Leg cramps may be a consequence or concomitant serious diseases. In most cases, leg cramps are an early sign of a mineral deficiency. Leg cramps are so annoying one indeed, but relatively innocuous symptom of such a defect. The treatment of leg cramps with medication side effects range is therefore not justified. Leg cramps are better addressed with a combination of holistic and natural measures. 
Leg cramps almost everyone knows 
Nearly one-third of the adult population experiencing at regular intervals, nocturnal leg cramps. In contrast, older people suffer every second of every now and then leg cramps.Even children affected by the spasms in the lower leg is not spared. Seven percent are occasionally plagued by leg cramps. The number of victims increases from leg cramps so with increasing age. However, those who are already active on the first appearance of seizures and is taking steps to combat it can beat the unpleasant nocturnal symptoms usually successful in the escape krampflos and older in all (night) be calm. 

Permanently eliminate leg cramps 
Leg cramps occur mainly at night and tear the relevant people ruthlessly from their sleep.They express themselves in a sudden, stabbing pain that is caused by a strong and involuntary muscle contraction. In most cases, leg cramps, you can simply pick up again by some stretching exercises (leg stretch and bend the foot or toes in the direction of the face). However, just as long to appear in one of these nights the next spasm. The goal of treatment is not the remedy of a recent spasm and not reducing the weekly number of seizures occurring (as with the conventional medical drugs it is the case), but the permanent removal of leg cramps.
Leg cramps in certain diseases 
Leg cramps can have many causes. On the one hand, they can occur as a side effect of some serious diseases, such as myalgia *, in peripheral arterial occlusive disease, with an underactive thyroid, liver and kidney dysfunction in ALS **, at a chemical sensitivity, or the so-called Restless Legs Syndrome * **.
In these cases there are of course not the calf cramps in the foreground, but the underlying disease, which applies to treat it.
Leg cramps by lowering cholesterol
Medications may be the cause of leg cramps, such as some cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins). Her side effects include leg cramps. If so take statins and also suffer from leg cramps, check the label for medication, please discuss your concerns with your doctor and take you necessarily need a medication change into consideration, or better yet, plan a healthier lifestyle, your increased blood lipid levels in healthy way to get a grip.
Leg cramps in athletes and pregnant women
On the other hand, often plagued by leg cramps endurance athletes or pregnant women. In the last trimester of pregnancy does every other woman complains about regularly recurring leg cramps. However, athletes and pregnant women suffer in a few cases of these serious diseases and they rarely take statins. Many older people who have no other complaints are awakened at night by leg cramps. Leg cramps may also have other causes.
Leg cramps by mineral deficiency 

For a large part of the calf cramp-afflicted the mostly nocturnal suffering arises due to a mineral deficiency or an out of balance mineral balance. In question here are primarily a lack of magnesium, sometimes a lack of calcium, a deficiency of potassium or - to a lack of sodium - especially among athletes.
In particular, a magnesium deficiency can occur quickly today. Alcohol and laxative abuse, chronic diarrhea, diabetes or high blood sugar levels, stress, endurance sports and pregnancy (in pregnancy increases the magnesium requirement by at least 50 percent) are two of those factors that can make the magnesium levels in the body to sink rapidly - particularly then, if the diet is deficient in minerals and the organism's memory is not empty magnesium can replenish.
Leg cramps because the muscle cell can not relax 
As a prerequisite for smooth motion is proper communication between muscles and nerves. This communication can work only if the mineral balance is balanced. If a muscle is moved, then he pulls himself together only relaxes again, contracts, etc. The relaxed contraction occurs by the fact that calcium ions flow into the muscle cell. To relax the muscle of the calcium ion influx is stopped in the muscle cell. Magnesium is responsible for this stop. However, magnesium is lacking, then the muscle remains permanently tense.It comes to a painful calf cramp. Consequently, the supply with sufficient magnesium reaches nearly to the root of the evil, while the medical school - as usual - usually only fights the symptoms.
Leg cramps in traditional medicine
Conventional medicine treats occasional leg cramps with quinine sulfate. Quinine sulfate is actually a drug that is used to treat malaria. Now malaria is indeed a dangerous disease that can eventually lead to death. In such a situation one likes to take the one or other side effects into account - the main cause of the malaria parasite disappears from the blood.When in fact although disturbing, yet harmless muscle cramps then arises, however, the question whether one really wants to take a means to reduce the way the quality of blood, fever, or cause tinnitus (ear noises), kidney and liver disorders, respiratory spasms and nerve damage and unfortunate event can lead to death - especially since some study results sound not so convincing as that the risks of adverse reactions received by quinine would like.
For example, a meta-analysis presented in the year 1997 (1) establishes that persons with quinine, the four had leg cramps per week, the number of leg cramps was reduced by only a cramp on three leg cramps per week. The researchers of this study also pointed out that apparently preferred such studies were published that showed a remarkable efficacy of quinine for leg cramps, while it was significantly lower in non-published studies.
Medicine numbs the muscles - the muscle function optimized magnesium 
The effect of quinine on the muscles is based on the following properties: quinine reduces the responsiveness of the muscle and its excitability by nerve cells. While quinine thus seems the muscle literally (to some degree) to stun and simultaneously increases the chances of getting einzuhandeln by possible side effects of one or other new symptom, a magnesium treatment not only leads to a healthier muscle function, but to a variety Another positive impact.
Magnesium is finally (in contrast to quinine sulfate) is a vital mineral that is involved in a variety of body functions. Moreover, since magnesium is consumed today in far too low doses, it is less in the magnesium treatment to a "treatment" rather than a healthy and long overdue compensation of the mineral balance.
FDA warns of quinine to treat leg cramps 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has already recognized this, surprisingly, in 1994 and subsequently banned the sale of nonprescription quinine sulfate in the United States. Only in 2006, the FDA had warned then again before the application of quinine in leg cramps. Although it certainly help with leg cramps, but one side effect potential, which bears no relation to the potential benefits. In Germany, quinine is still available without prescription.
In the first leg cramps Magnesium is the drug of choice
One study of the American Academy of Neurology AAN studied publications on muscle spasms from 1950 to 2008. In most studies helped both magnesium and against quinine sulfate leg cramps. Yes, apparently even stretching the calf muscles have already achieved good results preventively.
Even the Association of Learned Societies AWMF recommends in its guidance on leg cramps from the year 2008, leg cramps once addressing first and foremost with magnesium supplements and stretching before you grab to quinine sulfate.
Cramps in the calf: Transdermal magnesium chloride
Magnesium supplements are taken orally, but it all depends on the quantity of the body will actually recycled magnesium from the capacity of the digestive system. Consequently, people with a lack of stomach acid (which may, paradoxically, also express heartburn) or other Resorptionsproblemen (eg in chronic intestinal diseases) of orally fed minerals often use only a fraction of that. Transdermal magnesium chloride, however, save yourself the bother of the digestive system. Instead, it is applied to the skin, absorbed through the skin and enters in this manner - without loss and in no time - exactly where it is needed: directly into the muscle.
Application for leg cramps (muscle pains and other)
Transdermal magnesium chloride, magnesium chloride is a solution that is sprayed on the skin, then massaged and after an exposure of about 20 to 30 minutes, showered again.Another potential use of transdermal magnesium chloride is a comfortable footbath in a mixture of water and magnesium chloride. To about 100 milliliters of transdermal magnesium chloride in an ankle-foot deep body temperature are given. The foot bath should last 30 to 45 minutes.
Transdermal magnesium chloride for a secure supply of magnesium 
Some studies on the effect of (orally ingested) leg cramps on magnesium produced no clear results. Possibly because these studies lasted barely longer than four weeks. Orally ingested magnesium may require in some cases 6 to 12 months in order to replenish intracellular magnesium levels. Transdermal magnesium solution with a share of 30 percent magnesium chloride, however, this provides only a fraction of the time.
Dr. Norman Shealy showed in a study that could lift 75 percent of participants in just four weeks with daily magnesium chloride-foot baths and the daily application of transdermal magnesium chloride on the skin of their intracellular magnesium levels so that they finally included in the recommended reference range were. (3)
Magnesium chloride is also sometimes called magnesium oil. However, no oil, feels on the skin but almost like it. Magnesium chloride is composed of 11.8 percent magnesium, the chloride is bound by 88.2 percent. It is obtained by evaporating sea water.Subsequently, the sodium chloride (table salt) and magnesium chloride removed remains.
Transdermal magnesium chloride, the solution of magnesium deficiency
Since the ability of the body, new magnesium to absorb through the intestines, unfortunately, just then decreases when the existing magnesium deficiency has exceeded a certain limit and begins to symptoms (such as leg cramps) to show, is to of ingested magnesium Sun less absorbed, the greater the magnesium deficiency. The optimal solution to an existing magnesium deficiency also may occur quickly and safely, is hence the intake of magnesium through the skin. Magnesium deficiency is corrected by means of transdermal magnesium have been met, the organism can also provide independent again through the diet with magnesium.
Note: If you have low blood pressure, severe kidney problems (for example, with renal failure) or myasthenia gravis (muscle disease where the muscles are so fatigued that they can be temporarily paralyzed) have to fight, you should not take extra magnesium occupy or . discuss the matter with your doctor.

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