Krill Oil - The Perfect Recipe Of Nature

Posted by Wawan on Saturday, December 10, 2011

Krill oil comes from the clearest and coldest waters around Antarctica. Krill oil gives those enormous power that it takes to survive in this environment not only can, but it is still around to feel good. Strong health and youthful freshness and inner peace are the target of many human lives. Krill oil helps to achieve this goal - quickly and directly.

Krill oil capsules

Krill Oil - The partner at your side

Do you suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and have your monthly sick of depression?
Would you like to finally have a painless and uncomplicated menstruation - to fall back on, and without hormonal and risky tools such as the pill have?
Are you looking for balanced cholesterol levels, to protect your heart?
Would you be relieved if there is a natural anti-inflammatory drug that could relieve their joint pain or other chronic inflammatory health problems?
Or are you even looking for a way how you could protect your skin, your brain, so your whole body from those aging processes that afflict so many people today?
Then use krill oil. 
Krill oil is a partner at your side - a whole healthy and happy life.

Krill oil - and ecologically safe
Krill oil is made from a young cancer called Euphausia superba. 
This cancer forms in the Antarctic Ocean, the largest biomass on earth. It is estimated the mass of krill unimaginable several thousand million tons.

The catch is it only about 0.03 percent annually. 
This quota was set by the International Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic habitats (CCAMLR) and ensures the conservation of Antarctic krill.

High-quality krill oil is also tested for heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides and other pollutants.The measured values
​​of krill oil are all below the limits.

Krill Oil Omega-3 fatty acids gives a unique quality
Omega-3 fatty acids are now fairly well known. 
At every corner you can hear from them, and ultimately, hardly anyone knows how their needs can be met best. It would be ideal if the body the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids like omega-6 fatty acids were available.

Even a ratio of 1:4 or 1:5 Omega-3/Omega-6-Verhältnis would be advantageous. 
Today, however, be up to 20 times more omega-6 fatty acids consumed as omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-6 fatty acids are found in meat, eggs, dairy and grain products and most vegetable oils. (Source)

Omega-3 fatty acids, however, are found only in those foods that are now no longer be eaten so much, such as in green leafy vegetables, walnuts, in flaxseed in flaxseed oil and hemp oil, in some fish species - and especially 
high quality in the Antarctic krill.

The Antarctic krill provides omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids in the mythical ratio of 15:1. 
So he blessed the people with fifteen times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Krill oil or fish oil? 
Which is better?
Many people take to meet their omega-3 fatty acid requirement a previously fish oil capsules. 
The problem here is that the fatty acids in fish oil in the form of triglycerides.

In krill oil, however, are the important omega-3 fatty acids bound to phospholipids and are therefore known as absorbed by the body much better and used as the fish oil fatty acids.That should be one of the main reasons why krill oil performed better in the below-mentioned studies so much as fish oil.

The cell membranes of our 100 trillion cells of the body are made of phospholipids. 
These molecules in association with certain proteins protect the cell against all odds, which could collapse on them from outside, such as toxins, acids, pathogens, and particularly free radicals.

In our brain cell membranes are particularly phospholipidreich. 
The phospholipids in krill oil are similar to our body's own phospholipids, very strong and can therefore be particularly well absorbed and processed.

Delete the "smoldering" in your body - with krill oil!
Meanwhile, we strongly suspected that many of today's so prevalent chronic health problems with "smoldering", ie, with chronic, but for those affected often unnoticed inflammation related or perhaps even caused by this primary.

The flood our body with omega-6 fatty acids in combination with a lack of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the causes of these inflammatory processes. 
To the resulting chronic health problems include the following:

Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease Cancer
Diabetes mellitus
Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)
Stomach ulcers
Nervous diseases such as depression and Alzheimer's disease
As rheumatism

Joint pain due to chronic arthritis can lead to life is no fun anymore. 
To suppress the pain with the help of medication side effects, rich is not the solution and can not really return the joy of life.

The cause still persists and soon, the pain medication dose can be increased. 
The krill oil can in the context of a holistic osteoarthritis or arthritis therapy may be a wonderful ingredient that gives it even more rapid success.

However, even a series of tests showed that joint pain - even without further action - after only seven days krill-oil revenue was less, and that (according to the patient) by up to 24 percent .*

* Sampalis T. Evaluation of the Effect of NKO on Biomarkers of Chronic Inflammation in vivo. 
JSS Medical Research, June 9, 2004, unpublished.

As arteriosclerosis
The dreaded arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries called) is officially pushed the "low" cholesterol in your shoes. 
The cause of the abnormal deposits on the walls of blood vessels is most likely not the cholesterol.

Chronic inflammatory processes - is probably explained by some experts - would lead to tiny cracks and breaches in the blood vessel walls, which are then with the help of cholesterol from the body "taped over".

Cholesterol is also used by the organism in an emergency situation only as a tool.Nevertheless, cholesterol can be a problem. 
Namely, when the cracks are already cemented and yet more and more cholesterol attaching to existing deposits.

But why are pasted over the cracks in the walls of blood vessels and not - what would be a lot more sense - repaired? 
The body of the people would love to repair the blood vessel walls. He can not because it lacks the necessary materials to do so.

Various nutrients (eg vitamin C and vitamin E) are necessary for collagen - the main building material of the vessel walls - are formed and new blood vessel walls can be built.

Today's traditional diet, but often provides little nutrients, while the modern lifestyle consumes (stress, social drugs, narcotics, drugs, environmental toxins, etc.) is a multiple of vital nutrients, so that for "little things" such as the repair of blood vessel walls nothing remains.

Three measures of arteriosclerosis
Atherosclerosis should be taken therefore in a very different way than with a cholesterol-lowering drug to be tackled:

Measure 1 means inflammation by stopping fatty acid balance (ie reduce omega-6 in the diet and increase omega-3, the latter including krill oil)
Measure 2 is: Vital Increase amount of material (with a healthy, nutrient-rich and natural diet, which may possibly be supplemented with high-quality food supplements)
Measure 3 is: reduce cholesterol
However, an unfavorable cholesterol levels are already quite automatically stabilize at a healthy level, as one measure - if done with krill oil - may also lower the unhealthy cholesterol levels, demonstrating the study described in the next chapter.

Atherosclerosis not only speaks well on measures 1 and 2. 
And all of the other "smoldering" should be "erased" with these two basic measures.

Surprise your physician with optimal levels of cholesterol
In a clinical study, in 2004, Canadian researchers at the University of Montreal, McGill University and Riverview Medical Center in Montreal, the effectiveness of Neptune Krill Oil on elevated cholesterol levels. 
The study was published in the medical journal Alternative Medicine Review (Volume 9, Number 4). An interesting feature of this study was also that the mode of action of fish oil compared to krill oil was investigated.

The researchers divided a 120 patients with hyperlipidemia (elevated cholesterol and triglycerides) in four groups:

Group A received 2-3 g daily krill oil (participants with a BMI of less than 30 received 2 g, were participants with a BMI of more than 30 3 g)
Group B received daily 1 - 1.5 g (again according to BMI)
Group C received 3 g of fish oil
Group D received a placebo
The study duration was 3 months. 
Both krill oil and fish oil could reduce the total cholesterol, LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and triglycerides also, while both the HDL-cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) increased. However, the outcome was in those participants taking krill oil significantly better than in the fish oil subjects.

The LDL blood lipid levels, for example, fell within 90 days in group A by 37 percent in group B by 32 percent and in the fish oil-men by nearly 5 percent. 
The higher dose of krill oil was also slightly better but was still lower than the dose of fish oil, which brought only a fraction of success .*

* Bunea R, El Farrah K, German L. Evaluation of the Effects of Neptune Krill Oil on the clinical course of hyperlipidemia. 
Aging Med Rev. 2004 Dec; 9 (4) :420-8

Start a new life without PMS - with Krill Oil

For many years, Marie-France was suffering from Quebec / Canada under a severe premenstrual syndrome. 
Their complaints were often so bad that they had to limit your daily activities. Her doctor prescribed a drug that, however, brought so many side effects that Marie is independently again deposed.

Marie made an attempt with krill oil, because they hoped to have an agent finally found a natural side effect free solution for themselves and their bodies. 
Within days, she felt the effects of krill oil. Marie was more than surprised at how positively her body responded to the valuable ingredients of krill oil. Both their physical and emotional symptoms in its almost 100 percent seemed to dissolve into thin air. Marie-France is miraculously not an isolated case.

In 2002, researchers at the University of Montreal, McGill University and other medical centers in Quebec, a randomized double-blind study on the use of krill oil to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by. 
It was 2003 in Alternative Medicine Review (Volume 8, Number 2). After 90 days, it was found that krill oil reduce both the physical and the emotional symptoms of PMS and may also improve as much of a painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) dramatically.

The girls experienced almost immediately with the use of krill oil, less abdominal cramps during their menstrual periods, they were less tired, suffered less from flatulence, had barely headaches and were significantly less moody. 
Furthermore, the krill oil cravings eased during the period, reduced painful breast tenderness and helped with PMS-related depression and anxiety .*

* Sampalis F, Bunea R, Pelland MF, Kowalski O, Duguet N, Dupuis S. Evaluation of the Effects of Neptune Krill Oil on the management of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea. 
Aging Med Rev. 2003 May; 8 (2) :171-9

You are young and carefree again - with Krill Oil
Krill oil naturally provides not only omega-3 fatty acids, but also an interesting mixture of very potent antioxidants. 
Thus, the krill oil a significant proportion of natural astaxanthin entält.

Antioxidants inactivate free radicals and limit their harmful effects. 
Lack of antioxidants in the body, then free radicals can cause cell damage - from a certain extent - not cause "only" (chronic) diseases, but also contribute equally to the formation of wrinkles.

They make the skin gray and tired, they deprive their resilience, and let the hair can be dull and stringy. 
Cell damage in the brain can shrink the mental capacity and are probably - along with chronic inflammation and a lack of vital substances - instrumental in the development of dementia.

The provision of adequate antioxidants is therefore the alpha and omega of all activities whose goal is a successful anti-aging. 
A clear mind, a beautiful skin and healthy hair are only possible if free radicals have no chance.

The potential of antioxidants to eliminate free radicals, is given by the so-called ORAC (ORAC = Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). 
The ORAC value of vitamin E - a very powerful antioxidant - is 1.25. The ORAC value of fish oil is 8 and in those of krill oil 378th

Krill oil contains the antioxidant vitamins A and vitamin E also the superstar among the antioxidants: Astaxanthin - The material for winners. 
The high ORAC value of krill oil is most probably caused by a synergetic effect of krill oil antioxidant blend, because each of these antioxidants alone has a significantly lower ORAC value than the krill oil.

How much krill oil daily?
Begin in the first two weeks with a starting dose of 2 to 4 capsules (500 mg) per day (preferably with breakfast or another meal). 
From the third week you can reduce the dose and only take another 1 to 2 capsules per day. Some people, however, remain for two months at the higher dose, before reducing it to 1 to 2 capsules. Even higher doses are not harmful. You could be like after a maximum boost of energy to feel something is up.

Krill oil does not produce a burping fish taste as the conventional fish oils is often the case.

Krill oil will not work for all people at once. 
PMS or even with high cholesterol in some people it may take several months, until a significant improvement is obtained.

Krill oil has side effects

There are also side effects when taking krill oil. 
If you take krill oil, for example, to relieve your joint pain or PMS problems, can then also the following result:

Your skin becomes smoother
Her hair is full of
Your nails are fixed
Your mind is clear
Your allergies get better and
Your well-being grows
Enjoy life with krill oil!

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